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Old 12-04-2009, 02:00 PM
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GrayGhost GrayGhost is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Connecticut.
Posts: 9,227

Well, since some others are telling their stories, I was at a concert in CT here a few years back w a friend. We left my car at the commuter lot. In hindsight, not smart, it wasnt the most accesible one. Anyways, after having a blast at the show, we returned and found my car broken into. I had sports stuff in car under a blanket and all of it was stolen, plus CD's, stuff thrown on ground, etc. It effectively ended my small time part time dealer on the weekends schedule. Traumatic and horrible indeed. No insurance, and nothing was ever recovered.

On topic tho, Scott, I hope u get your stuff back, or at least decent insurance. What hurts too is if Christmas gifts for family were stolen. Thats really hard.
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