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Old 10-27-2009, 05:18 AM
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Bamacollection Bamacollection is offline
Lance G.
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Baton Rouge Area
Posts: 568

I am definitely on both sides of the fence. I am "working" on T200, T205, T206, T207, & M116 sets. I also have a tendency to buy whatever looks appealing on any given day. Thus, I have several cards that make no sense at all when looking at the group as a "collection". I do remember why I bought most of the cards and each time I pick one of the "strays" up for a look, I seem to enjoy it even a homeless kitten of sorts. Currently I'm on a T205 kick and have been for a couple of months. But, I did veer off into the W601's for a week or so and still hope to add a few of those when I can get off this never-ending project!
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