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Old 09-11-2009, 12:20 PM
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Jeffrey Lichtman
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 5,573

Susor considered filing a defamation suit! What a laugh that is. Why would it be prohibitively expensive when if he needed money he can just spend 2 bucks on a raw card and shave it into $1000? Better than a money tree. And my advice to fraudsters who want to sue people who out them: filing a lawsuit is a lot tougher than actually serving it apparently.

And that damn O'Keeffee: still writing negative articles about the hobby. What a sumbitch. Doesn't he know that our hobby bankrolls so many worthwhile humanitarian ventures? Search for the swine flu vaccine? Cure for AIDS? Eliminating all world hunger? Comeon, Mike, lay off the 'great' guys and do your job already!
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