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Old 07-03-2009, 02:01 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Default New Board Feature -related topic threads @ bottom

We (Matt) implemented a new feature on the board today, and while he mentioned it in another thread, I think it's worthy of it's own. With it's own thread I am sure only about 15% of the total board members will even see it. I don't know what the phenomenon is called but I get questions, every day, about things that are the most prolific current topics. I digress..
This new feature pulls up old threads that have the same key words as the one currently being posted about, and lists those threads at the very bottom of the new thread. It allows members to quickly see other discussions of the same topic. Of course this new feature is only enabled with the very first post of the thread, otherwise it would be a mess of a board. We (the other mods and I) hope ya'll are enjoying the new board's functionality and ease of use as much as we are. Thanks again to Matt......regards
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