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Old 05-29-2009, 11:10 AM
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CarltonHendricks CarltonHendricks is offline
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Default Military FB

KJ, That 33' Princeton ball looks very classy, great condition...the 1919 Military Paris trophy football is wild...It reminded me of a military football game poster I have between the Marines and Army for the 1918 Tournament of Roses...I think that's before they called it the Rosebowl. I got that maybe 16 or so years ago at the old now defunct Marin City Flea right near the Golden Gate Bridge....boy that was a wild market back in the pre-eBay days..It's about say 30" tall...obviously someone trimmed it. Most likely there was some kind of damage. I think I can mat is so it still looks nice framed, someday that is.
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