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Old 05-16-2009, 01:10 PM
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CarltonHendricks CarltonHendricks is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Default Par Golf Tin Pick Up

I've picked up quite a few new things lately, hope to post more when get time, but here's one I got a week ago. I went to the 49er Old West Antiques Show in Grass Valley Calif. Why go to an old west show? I learned a long time ago they are usually high quality and anything can show up....I once got an executioner football helmet by going to one!!!!...but that's another story...anyway...I spotted this Par After Shave Powder tin and it caught me off guard...I had to stop and think what it was and remembered it was the same image I have on a I sort of HAD to buy it...but darn they had it jacked up to $575.00. I looked it over and tried to develop some strategy to counter offer...or even if I really wanted it....I didn't start the wrestling match right then...I figured it wasn't going to run out of there for that cruised the rest of the show....didn't find anything that cleaned me started thinking thru what I would do....talked it over with antique advertising dealer friend Kim Kokles who was set up....he said try to get them down, and offer $450.00....I hit um at $400.00...the gal played the let me ask my husband card....she came back with a $450.00 whine they hated to let it go that cheap.....I said I'd split it for $425...she said they couldn't..but I knew they could....I politely asked her to recheck and I'd be back....of course they took it...who knows if I got a deal or not...a bargain's a state of mind....I'm not use to buying mint condition tins because they are always so expensive....I remember seeing a mint talcum tin sell at a show for $800.00 once, right in front of me, about 12 years ago, that had a gal maybe I got a deal. When I got home I realized the sign is for the "lotion" and the tin is for the "Powder"...but what the hey it's the same company and image...I thought about selling it on eBay because of that but a week later and no way would I sell it.

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