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Old 05-08-2009, 09:06 AM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Default New pick up thread debate and other board issues?

So we have been on the new site a week and there are a few more things on the agenda to talk about, since most of the registrations have taken place (though there are still 5-10 a day coming in). The other admin/mods and myself have been talking about the monthly pick up threads and questioning whether we need to start a new one anymore, more than 1 time a month? So that is the first question. What is everyone's thoughts on that subject?
Then we can also open it up to any other things on ya'lls minds. Questions, concerns, suggestions etc......It's everyone's forum so here is your chance to say something if it's on your mind. It looks like only a few regulars didn't make the transition yet but I have to say, if they don't come over because this new forum is too difficult then I think they are just finding something to be upset about. Overall I am very happy with the way it's gone....Thanks for everyone's patience so far and thanks too for the huge amount of emails I have received that are thanful in nature...I might not have responded to every one as I have had around 2000 emails in the last week but know that your kind words are appreciated very much.
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