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Old 06-25-2008, 06:58 PM
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Default A Silly Post about PSA and Qualifiers

Posted By: JP

I've been getting my cards graded by PSA for many, many years. Yet, I'm not certain of the answer to this question, so I wanted to pose it to everyone to get a clearer understanding.

I'm under the impression that if you have a card that would grade PSA 8(OC), you can request "no qualifiers", and it would come back a PSA 6 instead. Does that have to be done before (raw) or after (already graded PSA 8 OC)? As well, if I have a PSA 3(MK) card and I want it graded with no qualifiers, will they re-grade it a straight PSA 2 for me? I've got several (MK) cards that I'd rather have as lower grades but without the qualifier. What is the skinny on this?

I have seen this response on these boards, but it is from more than three years ago,so I was unsure of its validity.

"The only qualifier PSA puts on a "1" is "MK", they will put the "MK" qualifier on any card w/ a pen/pencil mark or if the mark has been erased. Even if a submitter states, no qualifiers on the submission, they will knock down the "OC" - "PD" or "ST" to the lowest grade that it can tolerate. But a card w/ a mark on it cannot be lowered down, its just listed w/ an "MK" qualifier be it a 1 or up to a 9."

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