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Old 05-31-2007, 03:10 PM
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Default Mastro Auction Descriptions

Posted By: Alan

My 2 cents...
The folks who have been harping on Mastro for their, "lack of disclosure,", please show me an example of a single business anywhere that is willing to admit how it squeezes every penny of profit from every possible area. No business would be so forthcoming! I for one applaud Doug Allen as well as Steve Verkman and other dealers who willingly respond to this forum (frankly, I am amazed anyone would continue to respond after the way some board members attack every letter typed by these dealers). I completely understand the frustration from a collector's point of view, but please think how any business would respond to your questions. If Mastro or any other auction house removes creases, erases marks, etc, do you really expect them to own up to it? Would you if you were in a similar position? Even if the auction house is considered to be completely trustworthy, do you really think the occasional slip up, error, or ommission will not occur? All of these auction houses are in business to make money, not to specifically cater to a handful of customers who believe they are waging a moral crusade.
I would also like to state that I deplore any alterations made to a card after its manufacture, but without a uniform code of standards for the industry the debate and attacks will produce nothing of substance. I doubt a uniform code will ever exist (barring a major calamity involving high dollar cards and at least one major auction house) because the sports auction business is highly competitive. For everyone who complains about this issue on a thread like this, the only way to get your voice heard is through your wallet. Attacking dealers like Doug when he willingly posts on this forum will only drive other collectors from your position. Instead, create a new thread (if needed) to call for a boycott of any auction house that does not conform to the standards you agree upon.
Bottom line: These are busineses run for a profit. It is against their best financial practice to disclose all that is being requested, ergo, it will cost them money to make the disclosures. Ergo, they will not (nor should they have to) do it.
Alan Elefson

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