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Old 04-12-2005, 07:47 PM
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Default Tips/ Ideas/ And your thoughts on starting T206

Posted By: A Chuckle

Rich daddies - Trust Funds - Silver Spoons, in Spanish Harlem of the '30's and '40's??? =

You obviously aren't familiar with the area and the economy of those times.
Try to visualize it as the booming economy of the last five years, and pressing for that of the '30's and early '40's.

Black, white and grey's.
Confessionals and sackcloth.

Gentlemen, if you're calling me foolish for doing it my way. ... I don't have a problem with that.
If you are saying that anyone that purchase a card without thinking of what it will fetch later is foolish, then I will disagree with you.

All I did was state my mindset on how I approached my sets.
My approach has not changed since I've started.
At the moment I'm in the process of closing in on two tough minor league sets.
I'm five short on one, and seven short on the other.
Whether I finish them or not, doesn't matter.
If for any reason I have to sell.
I'm sure that I'll know what to do then.
Meanwhile, I will continue to be foolish and happy.
For some strange reason, I have a feeling that I'm not alone.
Somehow I feel that there are others out there that collect purely for the enjoyment of it, and don't have the need to call anyone foolish for their approach.
It would be like me calling some of you, Investors In Denial." --
Uh oh, it's time for the Confessional.


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