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Old 04-01-2005, 12:41 PM
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Default Bushing Comments about "Chat Room Guys"

Posted By: warshawlaw

This article has to be an April Fools joke; I simply cannot believe that this wingnut botched a softball interview from a related company's mouthpiece. Here are some of Diamond Dave's better ones:

"Technically, I can't give a letter of authenticity; I can give an opinion regarding its authenticity."
--So I guess all those letters of authenticity floating around out there are what, toilet paper now? And from Dave's own web site, today: "We sell on Ebay with our LOA"! LOA??? LOL!!!

But it gets better:

"I can't authenticate it; all I can do is give you an opinion as to whether I feel it is or isn't authentic."
--Well, I feel that Dave is trying to cover his @$$ on all of the unequivocal letters of "authenticity" he has out there just in case any more "oops" moments happen. Like this one: ebay auction number 5180986549; BRSZ-2 has some stuff for sale with Bushing letters certifying that items are 100% original and unaltered. So he can "certify" [his word, not mine] that the Snider pants were 100% original and unaltered, yet now he says he cannot authenticate? I haven't laughed this much since the last time I saw the Three Stooges...I wouldn't buy a toothpick on his word.

"If a bat's made for that guy, and it's got use, therefore, under hobby terminology, that was always 'game-used.'"
--On what planet, precisely, has that "always" been the case? Apparently, we've all been using the words incorrectly; game used just means used. I bet [ha ha] Pete Rose would love to know that...Query: if A-Rod uses a bat to open some walnuts on the floor of the clubhouse it is "game used"?

And last but not least:

"What we're doing now is splitting the words [sic]; to be quite frank, it's because of all these chat room guys that [sic] don't know anything about what they're talking about, making accusations and innuendo [sic] and hearsay [sic], they have no idea what they're talking about."
--Yeah, that makes sense; these chat room guys know so little that Dave and the rest of the other swine at the trough are altering their business practices as a result. And as long as we know-nothing chat room guys are at it, Mr. Almost-Masters Dave should take note of the following: (1) The expression is "splitting hairs", not "splitting words", (2) People are "who"'; objects are "that", (3) Innuendo is not "made", and (4) "hearsay" is a technical term for a type of evidence given in court, not a post in a chat room.

Gad, I love the smell of flop-sweat in the morning...

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