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Old 01-17-2002, 04:16 PM
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Default what does everyone do to pay for their habit, er, hobby?

Posted By: Julie Vognar

I'm a docent (lead tours) at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, I read late 19th and early 20th century novels to an old lady with Parkinson's disease, I help a blind girl balence her check book and send out birthday cards once a month, the government sends me two checks every month, and my cousin dribbles out little bits of money my mother left me in a "Special Needs Trust" (you lawyers might know what that is) so that the government won't stop sending me the two checks.

The museum pays me nothing, the old lady pays me $10 an hour, the blind girl pays me $7 an hour,the government pays me about $700 a month, and the Special Needs trust pays me as much as my cousin thinks she
can get away with sending me.

Now my step-mother has died, and within a year I will inherit sufficient money so that I will have to start paying for my own medications, hospitalizations, psychoanalysis, and, in short, I'll need some supplemental insurence for my Medicare.

You didn't really want to know all that, did you?

As for baseball cards, I beg, borrow, earn and steal as much as I can to buy them, and have for 22 years.:)

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