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Old 12-07-2004, 12:52 PM
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Default SMA graded cutouts invade a monthly well known auction

Posted By: prewarsports

I would not touch an autograph in their auctions with a ten foot pole. I have yet to see a vintage premium item sold by them which would pass authentication by a respectible company, even from their crappy black and white photos.

I met with Kevin Keating before the national this past year and we were talking about Coach's Corner. (Kevin is in my opinion the best autograph dealer in the country). I asked him what he thought of their stuff and his reply was, "I think the forgers they have working for them are getting better". It is pretty common knowledge that their stuff is no good, and it blows me away that they can still run auctions and have not been sued yet. I think it is because their stuff never goes for enough to warrant a lawsuit.

If you never bought an item from them you will sleep better at night in regard to the authenticity of the signatures in your collection. Therefore, it does not surprise me that they have now ventured into the world of other worthless pieces of crap to try and sell.


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