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Old 02-21-2003, 03:34 PM
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Default thoughts on this card?

Posted By: Brian C Daniels

1) I owned two Jewelry stores no doubt made more money in a fiscal year than you did in your entire life. I do not live in a trailer park in Tumbleweed Texas nor need to hunt and peck in "caps" because I cannot see what I just typed. You have never seen me yet I am 5'10 and weigh around 190lbs and DO NOT have a pony tail! YOU have never seen me thus you should check out your demented convelescent home gossip,Schnook! Whoever told you that is an idiot as you are for selling your trimmed up junk with scans having the brightness and contrast turned up to 300% because you are too blind to see the trimmed cards otherwise!
2) I have exactly TWO handles that everyone knows of. One I use to now sell and one I use to buy with. many,many people do it and it in boundries of e-bays rules.NO probelem with that.
3) I use whatever e-mail happens to be open to use on whatever computer is available depending on where I am. Having children and more than one computer that too of course is common practice and has nothing to do with you having the Vintage knowledge of a gnat as other's demonstrate here.

4) one word,bologna! the fact that someone has knowledge of paper does not mean they spend time "doctoring" cards and to use your ridiculous own logic,YOU are the only person who has EVER returned a card to me!!! There are TWO others on this chat board woh have made the exact same statement. You make these stupid comments yet every week you BID on things I post! if you truly thought my cards were doctored,you would not do this but then again being legally blind I guess you might. How does a blind person buy or sell cards anyway?

The fact that someone did not return the Cicotte does not dispell the fact it is trimmed and you sell trimmed cards! I guess it outr of need to suppliment the medi-cal. I'm sorry you one again got caught with your brail on the sidewalk Brook but us "hippies" (not) have lasic surgeried eye sight and experience to see these things.Nothing you wrote dispelled any of my thoughts.You just want to play."I am rubber and you are glue". But you sell trimmed cards and got caught.Feel free to prove to us anyone has ever received a doctored card and I'll send a $50 donation to the Helen Keller Foundation in your name!

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