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Old 04-23-2024, 02:41 PM
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Charles Jackson
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Originally Posted by marcmandel View Post
I have seen AH sales with multiple examples of same or similar cards for years and generally I think the answer to the question of whether this is a good practice depends on where your card stands relative to the other listings. Much like a home sale of real estate, if you're not the high-priced "comp" then you stand to improve your position if the high-priced examples scores and does well in the sale. You know, a high tide raises all boats.

If you're the high priced guy on the other hand, the lower priced examples could impose a little financial gravitational pull on your gains and lower your upside in the deal.

In general, statistically, all markets tend to seek out a natural middlepoint. Some down from the top, others up from the bottom.
Agreed. If there are several of the same card in the same auction, the one with the most eye appeal may get a boost from the "competition", and the one with least eye appeal will get hurt the most by competition.

I would be okay with listing a card among like cards in the same auction if I saw the other cards first. One reason I like to consign at the last minute is that you can inquire about if there any other similar cards in the auction and get a response that is likely to hold true until the auction start date.

Last edited by cgjackson222; 04-23-2024 at 03:53 PM.
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