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Old 04-02-2024, 01:10 PM
BillyCoxDodgers3B BillyCoxDodgers3B is online now
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Originally Posted by Brick442 View Post
Not Baseball, but an all-time stinker:

As for the 1973-1975 Topps photos, Topps had strict film-type requirements and they were not friendly to action shots nor were the lenses of the day.

Also, Topps requested photographer not use a flash, in fact, they preferred shadows under the cap and on the face?!?! I think they felt this gave the posed subjects a tougher look.
How odd, I was just admiring this one yesterday! I think it's great! So bad its good, or just weirdly good?!

The '78T Minton, though; that thing is fugly!
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