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Old 03-27-2024, 03:20 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Belfast1933 View Post
Greg, but being a successful team sport player is more than just physical skill and strength, right? Anticipation, intelligence, experience, preparation, etc. don't require most bench press reps, fastest 40 times or highest vertical leap.

I'm not betting against this in my lifetime... there's more to measuring a team sport success than a stop watch
Sports are very physical. Other things like "anticipation" and "intelligence" can help one high level player over another high level player. There is an extremely obvious reason the NBA is not filled with "geniuses" who cannot physically compete with the rest of the players - because it is a very physical sport. The physical is a prerequisite. If I dedicated my entire life to a sport and became #1 in preparation for that sport, I still wouldn't make it because I do not have the prerequisite.

What people want to find and consider virtuously politically correct and is actually true are not the same thing. Women athletes lose to men far below their 'level' whenever it is tried, for the obvious physical reasons and the differences between men and women. Women are different. They are built different. Both genders have plusses and minuses compared to the other. It is simply reality. A woman has not and will not seriously compete in a very physical high-level sporting realm whether we like that or not.
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