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Old 03-26-2024, 10:36 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,198

There's no way to know for sure. So much of a team sport depends on the team. I do think it would be very challenging.

But, while figuring out a reply, I looked up something.

My college was... Small. I wouldn't think we were D anything.
Our basketball team played Bridgeport while Manute Bol was there. And lost but didn't get blown out.
I was very surprised to learn Bridgeport is D2.

The reason I looked?
I would play occasionally when some guys that played in the parking lot around lunchtime would ask.
My basketball skills can be described as somewhere between "Awful" and "F_ atrocious"
I did not make my HS team when I tried out.
I played one season of rec league, and my stat "line" for 0for I think 2, two fouls committed (One I still disagree with ) and led the league in shots hitting the beams in the low ceiling 2! Why they put the little kids up in the real gym and the high school age kids in the little kid gym downstairs.... anyway, those two shots might have missed anyway, although I was ok from what would now be 3 pt distance.

I was obviously only filling a space until someone got back from class, but oddly, I never felt seriously outclassed.
I found out that bunch of guys was our basketball team - and that we even had a team- when they were talking in the lunch line about playing against Bol.

The game had changed a lot, and my school got absorbed into the CT community college system,

Do I think an excellent female Player might make the roster on a D1 team.
I'm not sure. The right player on the right team with the right coach.... maybe. Theres certainly stuff that they would have to game plan around. And it might not work out. But I don't think I could rule it out completely.
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