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Old 02-16-2024, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Svabinsky78 View Post
Silly questions. I have never submitted a slabbed card for a crossover, which is why I am asking.

The company will not crack the slab if they don't think the card will meet your minimum grade, correct? If that is the case, how do they evaluate the surface with the card in the slab?
Correct. They will not crack it unless they are going to cross it over. As for the surface, they just do the best they can. If the slab is all scuffed up, they likely won't cross it because they can't tell what the surface is like. If you plan to cross a card over in its slab, you should buff out the scratches before hand with some car polish or headlight polish so they can see it better.

Originally Posted by Svabinsky78 View Post
Second question, if you are submitting simply to upgrade a slab - i.e. old PSA slab to new PSA slab - will they honor the old grade, even if they woul hammer the card by today's standard if submitting as raw?
It's called a 'reholder', and yes, they will honor the grade as long as the slab is not cracked or damaged. If the slab shows any damage though, they will treat the card inside as a raw card and will ignore the previous grade.
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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