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Old 02-14-2024, 03:49 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Belfast1933 View Post
I want to ask but I don't want to ask (but I want to ask...)

I'm curious how this community of collectors generally lean politically - Leon would kill me if I actually posted a poll with 2 choices.

Seems like there is lots of voltage on both sides - just curious... (but I probably shouldn't ask)
It's hard to tell these days. The Overton window has shifted so far left that left positions a few years ago are now considered extreme right-wing and everything is muddled.

A belief in unrestricted speech and the right of a fellow to think and do as he pleases used to be a classic hallmark of liberal philosophy; now it is right wing for me to still think this. Advocating 'let's wait for evidence before blaming X or Y group' used to be apolitical; now it is apparently right-wing to do so. Notice that nobody in these threads had a reaction equivalent to the left reaction of this incident, nobody said something like 'let's assume it was illegals and use this incident to attack everyone else and advocate death or some other method of removal from the population we can't specify to our enemies', it was merely 'well what's the evidence to claim this cause? We don't even know who did it'. It is amazing that an evidentiary basis is now itself political and evidently conservative. I was liberal for having no issue with the gays and supporting their battle for equality under the law. Now I am right-wing for being cognizant that men simply and factually can not get pregnant and that if somebody says they are X that does not mean they are in reality X. Questioning government claims for wars and supporting non-intervention except in clear case of self-defense used to be pretty far left; now it is right-wing to do so or to question the proclamations of the state.

10 years ago the same exact views I have today made me a lefty Dem, except that I liked all 10 of the bill of rights instead of only 9 of them. That was my only conservative opinion. My opinions have not changed. I guess am in favor of whichever side at the moment is in support of using actual evidence instead of just screeching about made-up things that are demonstrably false.