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Old 12-14-2023, 07:42 AM
mrozie21 mrozie21 is offline
Mike Rozanc
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 217

Originally Posted by ooo-ribay View Post
I’m glad this thread got revived. It got me wondering how much space you guys have for your collections. A wing of your house? A room? A closet? I have about 220 square feet in a windowless basement room, with an adjoining 70 square feet in a “cold storage” (i.e. beer fridge) room. My garage gets used for banners. I’m lucky to have tat much dedicated space, but could always use more!
I'm fortunate that I have about 1200 square feet in my basement which allows me to display big items (which I like!).

My wife also likes the antique look of some of my items and they're interspersed in our upstairs living area.
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