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Old 12-13-2023, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by ClementeFanOh View Post

My guess is you either grew up watching the true PED wonks crush the ball
all over the place, either admiring them or enjoying the spectacle, and were
possibly a fan of their team. Years later, you learned it was a sham. That's
a bummer, you feel cheated- it was a waste of rooting time. Sadly, all of
that is true. The answer, however, isn't to slash and burn anyone who came
before in an effort to exonerate "your" player or fandom. If you- or someone
with similar feelings- simply assume "everybody was doing it", why even
bother to collect, or enjoy the sport? The entire line of thought seems
destructive and, unless someone conducts the most successful seance in the
history of the field and compels these players to "confess from beyond the
grave", is little more than impotent speculation. Pud Galvin and (insert PED
abuser here) didn't do similar things and surely didn't enjoy similar results.

Trent King
I think you are insinuating a bit much.

At my age, my heroes are late 70's and 80's. As steroids were officially banned in 91', I could do the same and state they are all above it because it was legal under the rules. Thank you for making me 20 years younger though.

I also am not stating Aaron was a PED user, but again not vehemently not saying that. I admit I don't know. What I do know is that items were available, some players have stated that use was there in the 60's and 70's. So there is no specifics.

As I do not have the ability to somehow uncover information held secret by dead people, I cannot say yes or no.

The difference is you are speaking in your believed facts, I am comfortable in speaking in probabilities.
- Justin D.

Player collecting - Lance Parrish, Jim Davenport, John Norlander.

Successful B/S/T with - Highstep74, Northviewcats, pencil1974, T2069bk, tjenkins, wilkiebaby11, baez578, Bocabirdman, maddux31, Leon, Just-Collect, bigfish, quinnsryche...and a whole bunch more, I stopped keeping track, lol.
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