Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth
O'Rea if memory serves has a virtually non-existent minor league card or exhibit?
O'Ree's rookie is considered to be from the 1944-1960 Bee Hive hockey photos. They really are not cards or exhibits, more just a 5.5 x8 photo and quite thin. After I bought my Robinson Bond Portrait years ago, I assembled all the RCs of each sports barrier breakers as it seemed like the natural thing to do in my mind.
- Justin D.
Player collecting - Lance Parrish, Jim Davenport, John Norlander.
Successful B/S/T with - Highstep74, Northviewcats, pencil1974, T2069bk, tjenkins, wilkiebaby11, baez578, Bocabirdman, maddux31, Leon, Just-Collect, bigfish, quinnsryche...and a whole bunch more, I stopped keeping track, lol.