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Old 10-23-2023, 10:33 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 6,393

All equivalencies are not the same. False equivalencies are neither pragmatic or logical. One guy being an asshole, doesn't cancel out another guy being a much bigger asshole. (There, I just said the same thing 3 different ways, for anybody who doesn't understand my point)

Yankees have no obligation to A-Rod...and A-Rod played out his contract as if he had no obligation to New York or even his own Players Union, whom he tried to sue when they couldn't overturn his well deserved suspension.

Most team union heads wanted to kick him out of the union after he pulled that stunt. He has no respect within the league, never mind within the Yankee organization.

A simple Google search shows his scumbaggery knows no bounds. Baseball related, and non-baseball related.

I don't care if David Ortiz has a PED strike against him or not. I don't care that I've rooted against David Ortiz for a large part of my adult life as a Yankee fan. Every time he subtly (or un-subtly) emasculates and embarrasses A-Rod on National Television, it brings a little smile to my face every time.

Don't care how much A-Rod's laughing (or crying) all the way to the bank. That doesn't garner respect from me. That doesn't mean he's "doing something right".

Call it hypocritical if you want, but I've long ago come to terms with the fact that "hypocrisy" is one of the most overused and misused terms in our language. We're all hypocrites in some way shape or form. Some more-so than others. Best to just acknowledge it and move on.
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