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Old 10-23-2023, 06:51 AM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Ohio
Posts: 1,044
Default ARod

Good morning net54ers-

bk400- perfectly put.

Peter Spaeth- I've said it before, bears repeating. People who dive behind
words like "triggered" have surrendered their legitimacy at the starting gun.
The mere fact that I called out your extraordinarily short attention span
doesn't mean I'm triggered- it's called discernment, and mine is based on
example after example. Truly, I'm stunned you didn't shoehorn an insult
about SGC while you were attempting to move the goalposts-again- on a
topic. The topic is ARod, not Pettitte, "other guys", etc.

Bottom line- ripping on ARoid is FUN low hanging fruit, which is entirely on
him. His 12 years with NY produced 1 Series win. He consistently feuded
with their front office, was suspended an entire season, and generally made
everything he possibly could make, about him. He admitted to steroid use
as far back as 2001, and Biogenisis clearly coincided with his prime Yankee
years later. He was a constant distraction who cared only about himself. I'm
no Yankee fan- an understatement- but their history is rich enough that they
can say "thanks, no thanks" to retiring this clown's number.

Trent King
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