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Old 07-12-2023, 04:59 PM
bigfanNY bigfanNY is offline
Jonathan Sterling
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: NJ
Posts: 2,153
Default Tom Rebert sold a fake Lebron zJames Auto here on Net 54

So not happy enough wasting my time and Money with your fake. You post here how after being informed that the card has failed TPG You Tom Rebert Trade the fake for $5k in Artifacts to an Advanced Autograph Collector that tells you it doesn't match up with Lebron James Signature. Then over this past weekend the value of the artifacts ( Depending on carbon dating ) magically grows into Ten to Twenty Thousand Dollars.
Then you post here and brag about your crime.
Proclaiming that just because other reputable sources say it is fake "I Tom Rebert claim it is real" despite also Proclaiming that you have no expertise in Autographs. And providing no credible opinion that the Autograph is real.
Selling fake Autographs is a profitable endeavor. Little cost for the product and not everyone is going to research the forgeries you sold. Some of the forgeries sit for years maybe decades in collections. Some percentage of sales will result in you keeping the money And the collectors never knowing that Your word and the Forgery you sold are worthless.
Unfortunately many collectors here on Net54 know that unethical sellers like yourself continue along because it is difficult to put you in jail. All that can be done is post the details and hope that it reaches others you have sold fakes to. And hopefully to prevent a few collectors from making the same mistake I did.
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