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Old 07-07-2023, 09:25 AM
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Vintagehoarder wouldn't put his name out here per the rules. He said I was bullying him.....

Here our our last few comments...

Me- I don't care what you say. Say what you want to. But you have to put your name next to it. That's it.

Him- Obviously, you do care or we wouldn't be having this discussion. Listen: just delete my account. I'm over it. You can't tell me who I bullied and you are still calling me out on an opinion I made. Truly, I'm done with all of this. We clearly don't agree on our viewpoints, so this isn't the board for me.

And that is after I continually told him he needs his full name out here. He kept talking about other stuff. Obviously, he wanted to not abide by the rules and be another anonymous troll as there are on other forums. So, he is now gone.

Leon Luckey
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