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Old 07-05-2023, 05:00 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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I'm sure many other actors and actresses have not been mentioned in that MAD, MAD movie, but I'd like to mention several others.

Edie Adams---she played the loving, fearful wife of Sid Caesar very well. She needed the work, after first suffering terribly from the loss of her husband, Ernie Kovacs, and then all the financial and custody mess that continued / came afterwards.

Zazu Pitts---her last appearance

Dorothy Provine---gorgeous, and would later feature well in the original Disney classic, THAT DARNED CAT!

Marvin Kaplan --- Irwin at the gas station, but better known to me as the voice of Choo Choo, from Hanna-Barbara's TOP CAT

-----whoever that kid was who told Phil Silvers he knew "a short cut", and would have none of Phil's typically cheapskate pocket change offer for the right way. Didn't he say, "NO, I WANT THREE DOLLARS!"

I faintly remember going with my whole family to the theater to see this great film. I was nine. Being with all my family was super special, since my dear Dad was frequently so busy at NBC.

Thank you for stirring up old, happy memories. --Brian Powell
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