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Old 06-30-2023, 03:16 PM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Ohio
Posts: 1,044
Default Sgc

Peter- or, instead of an "excuse", it could just be an utterly accurate
observation based on years of experience. I find it hard to believe the powers
that be at SGC got together and decided to defy net54 members specifically
about grading at the National. It's not a "bad business move" or some act of
defiance, it's simply not their way. The fact that the folks at BMW
manufacture motorcycles, has not compelled the folks at Mercedes Benz to
follow suit ("Oh my gosh, we have to do exactly what BMW does or people
won't buy Benz anymore!"). This is a tempest in a teapot (as usual).

Trent King
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