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Old 06-30-2023, 07:26 AM
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Bob Andrews
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Houston Tx Area
Posts: 1,375

I have not seen or heard about The Verdict. But I have seen Cool Hand Luke, and Butch Cassidy. My dad always talked about The Hustler.

Tonight my wife said she never seen Butch Cassidy and would like too.

My mom recently asked me if I knew the title of his racing movie, but I haven't a clue.
re: Butch Cassidy... just coincidentally we were out last night at a restaurant that has some Bolivian items on their menu which led to a round of some funny quotes from the movie.

Oh, watch The Verdict. You have my money back guarantee on it. Newman was nominated for best Actor but lost to Ben Kingsley for Gandhi. Newman was robbed. The tried to make up for it the next year by giving him BA for The Color Of Money but his performance in that doesn't hold a candle to his work in The Verdict.

BTW..his racing movie is Winning which is also the name of the documentary centering on his long involvement with racing. Both are worth watching.
People are crazy and times are strange, I used to care but things have changed -Dylan
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