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Old 06-27-2023, 12:48 AM
EddieP EddieP is offline
Ed.gar Pim.entel
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 369

“ I am here to present the original manuscript of ‘The Babe Ruth Story’ to Captain Bush of Yale,” Ruth said on the Yale baseball field. “It has lots of fun and a lot of laughs and a lot of crying, too.” (The book was written with journalist Bob Considine.)
“You know,” the former New York Yankees star added with a smile, “in a story you can’t put everything in, so I left out a few things.”
The Associated Press reported that “grown-ups in the crowd, familiar with some of the episodes in Babe’s youthful days, smiled with him. A few wiped tears from their eyes.” Ruth spoke in a “husky whisper,” added the AP story, which The Washington Post ran under the headline, “Author Ruth Makes Comeback at Yale Field — With Original Manuscript for Eli Library.”
Baseball’s oddest arms race featured balls thrown from the Washington Monument
A photo of Ruth and Bush shows their starkly different stages of life — Ruth, hunched over and dying of cancer, standing next to the strapping Bush, in the prime of his life and a baseball uniform.”
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