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Old 05-26-2023, 11:42 AM
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The Detroit Collector The Detroit Collector is offline
Join Date: Apr 2023
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Posts: 217

Originally Posted by Ronnie73 View Post
I'm glad someone finally said it. Thanks Patrick. And I'm not just picking on these guys, but a lot of people, video's and topic's. I watch more youtube than I create youtube video's. It seems, no matter the collectible type or topic, there's a bunch of untrue's or just bad information. When I was making video's on a topic, even though I knew what I wanted to say and what direction I wanted the video to go in, It still stayed genuine. But even if I felt that I already knew all the facts about a product, I would still do a quick study and make notes of the points I wanted to touch on, before hitting that record button. Many of you that have seen a video or two of mine, you might think or get the feeling that I don't know what I'm talking about, because of how my words come out of my mouth. I learned in my mid 20's that I might have some sort of learning disorder (If I do, I don't know what it's called). This was when the internet was just starting to really get serious and people started using message boards. After reading a few posts from others mentioning me to other members and saying I was a nice person but a little weird talking to, I questioned to myself what that could mean. I never had problems learning anything in school, especially numbers and problem solving. My problem was when it came to explaining things to others. Because I would think in my head about 5 ways of explaining the same thing and choose what I thought was the easiest one that everyone would understand. So I was basically dumbing it down for everyone. But in the process of doing that, I was the one that looked dumb. Because of the amount of time processing a sentence before saying or typing it. This learning problem or disorder, also helps get me an extremely high IQ. But I talk as if it seems like I'm looking for the right word in my brain, which I kind of am, but a word or sentence that everyone will understand. If you made it this far, you might even be questioning what you've just read, and I'm ok with that. That's just how my brain was wired. But bottom line, I make sure I know what I'm talking about, before I talk about it. If I respond to a question of someone's, or give advice or even my opinion, just know that whatever I shared, is completely genuine, overly thought out, and depending on the topic, straight from the heart. Yeah, probably too much info TMI. This is the point where I usually delete 90 percent of what I typed, or just delete everything, because it's more simple to sometimes not get involved in a topic. So if you've ever said to yourself, I think Ron is a little off the rocker, the track, or even the planet, now you understand lol But I can't be that bad, since I seem to be everyone's go to person in the area, when they need to know something, or have something fixed, or problem solve an issue, regardless of what it is. House, car, boat, technical, wood, metal, money, medical, it doesn't really matter what it's about. My grandfather was the same way. He always said, it's better to know a little bit about everything, than to be an expert of one thing. But he would also weld a quarter to the top of a nail head, and then drill into a concrete sidewalk, hammer the quarter and nail into the sidewalk, and then just sit there all day watching people. Of course he would do this near by a park bench, so he could comfortablly watch from a short distance. Simple humor at the cost of a nail and 25 cents.
I can relate, I also do research beforehand as well. Take notes. But whenever I speak, I tend to say umm and uhh a lot. I also take short pauses while I am speaking, because I try to think in my head the best way to say it. My wife always bust my chops about it. All in good fun though.
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