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Old 05-24-2023, 08:31 AM
FrankWakefield FrankWakefield is offline
Frank Wakefield
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Franklin KY
Posts: 2,752

In response to BobC's headscratcher observation...

My mind is stuck in old movies...

The King and I, Yul Brynner, "Tis great puzzlement."

With what little info we have, I think Todd's thought of a different supplier of the premiums makes sense, I wonder which one came first (just assuming they weren't simultaneous).

Scott's Weaver and my Wood both have the same SERIAL No. (I wonder why all capital letters), and a different Premium No.

Oh for the time machine... go back in time and spend a few dollars on mail in full sets of those Cracker Jack cards, get good odds and put down a good mid season bet on the Boston Braves winning the 1914 World Series, and stuff like that... eventually I'd go try to figure out this Ferguson Bakery stuff.
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