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Old 05-08-2023, 03:11 PM
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Rhotchkiss Rhotchkiss is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyCoxDodgers3B View Post
I promise that no disrespect is meant, but how have you missed this legendary story over the past 52 years?! It's been all over the media for so long.

Now that you're familiar with it, you should check out these Beatles I've been hearing a little bit about. They've apparently written a couple of toe-tappers.
I was born in 1974 and was not watching media in my teens in the 80's. By the time I started paying attention to things other than girls, beer, sports, and friends, it was very late 90's and I never came across the story.

I did hear about the Air France hijacking in the 70's and I remember a bad/violent one in the mid 80's, but I guess I am very late to the game on Cooper.
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