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Old 05-06-2023, 09:35 AM
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Mike Kendall
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by thetahat View Post
Domer has a nice interview with a Trench employee who explained how it was a real pain in the butt to assemble the picture pennants. They certainly do require extra care. Along with the mystery of the few teams that don’t have stadium pennants … teams that never had team pic pennants. Colt 45s/Astros and Cubs come to mind. A few others have them for 1-2 years (Senators, Giants?), others run the whole decade. Phillies have at least 13 different ones from 1960-69.
The Cubs could not have photo pennants because they didn’t take team photos for many years. I think Mr Wrigley was just too cheap to pay a photographer.
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