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Old 04-11-2023, 02:55 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,276

Originally Posted by Stupe the Second Sacker View Post
There are two certainties in life...

1) If you start a tax thread on Net54, BobC will contribute a longwinded, condescending reply.

2) BobC will get his feelings hurt when responded to in kind.

Here are the Bob C Cliff's Notes for those who don't have time to read War and Peace.

1. Bob gets feelings hurt.

2. Bob points out that NET54 is no place for political talk then copy/pastes quotes he deemed political and spends three paragraphs talking about them.

3. Bob misses the point entirely, tells me "what I'm saying" then tells a story about a guy getting a ticket.

4. Bob then shows that even he had no idea what Adam was talking about.

5. Bob shoots the messenger, then uses 500 words to explain that he said "collectors are tax cheats" and not "solely collectors are tax cheats".

6. Bob thinks all my friends are accountants and/or unprofessionals who just tell their clients what they want to here. (Oh to be as good as Bob. One can dream.)

7. In discussing eBay, Bob confirms that when he sees hoofprints, he looks for Zebras.

8. Bob closes with an angry summary, in which he proves that while he may have a firm grasp of the tax code, his reading comprehension needs work...while also bringing up the forbidden topic of politics again.

This thread, that you started, was asking questions, and to which you got serious and sincere help and answers from myself, and others. And it was pretty much done months ago when it appeared to have ended with post # 48 in September, 2022, joking about the boring CPA/accounting conversation Nic/raulus and I got into. But then, YOU took it upon YOURSELF to come back to it and suddenly re-start this thread and make it into a political issue, for whatever idiotic reasons. And when people called you out on it, your true colors came flowing forth. If you don't like others calling you out and then pointing out exactly what you are, then don't do something stupid like that again. Everything you stated in your list about me is basically nothing more than a juvenile, totally unsupported, attempted slap in the face back at someone who dared to call your bluff, and call you out in front of everyone else and treat you as you had treated them. Truth is, I couldn't care less about you, and who or what you are, and especially anything you may have to say. My big mistake was ever trying to help you and answer your questions in the first place. Gee, what's the old saying, "No good deed goes unpunished."

And my initial post, that you seem to have taken so much offense with, was in response to this post by you, after you had already crossed the "no politics" line, and already been informed of that by others:

Originally Posted by Stupe the Second Sacker View Post
This thread is about the impact to collectors and not the idiotic decision that caused the impact...just so we're clear. It's a bigger drag on the hobby than anything PSA has ever done, but talked about 1% as much.

I responded with a long post to explain further and point out how your statements were not entirely accurate, and to also reinforce what others had said about politics, and even went so far as to suggest how you could make responses that would not cross the "no politics" line in the future. I was being completely honest, civil, respectful, and also trying to be helpful and educational. I even emphatically stated that I was not pointing a finger at you, in regard to the comment I had made at the end of that post, about people complaining about new or raised taxes, but how when the government finally does something about it so they maybe don't have to raise or add new taxes, those complaining are sometimes found to be tax cheats who were at least partially causing the problem and need for the new or raised taxes to begin with. That was simply a factual statement for everyone's benefit and/or knowledge (and hopefully a laugh as well). But that was the post to which you then replied with all the sarcastic, juvenile vitriol you could muster. And it was then in my responding back to you about that post, in kind, that you're now complaining even more about me. Ohhh, of course, I get it now. You can say and do what you want, how you want, to others, but God forbid someone comes back and treats you and responds back to you in the exact same way then. Talk about juvenile and bullying responses, and someone thinking they're better than others! But I'm the bad guy because I subsequently responded to you while now acting like you?!?!?! Wow, how typical. YOU started this, I'm just ending it!

However, I should have realized from the start that it was going to be a mistake for me to ever try helping and interacting with someone like yourself. But I do have to recognize and give you some credit for even advertising the warning about yourself for all to see, I was just too ignorant to comprehend and immediately recognize it myself. I mean, come on, your self-chosen username should have told me, and everyone else, all we needed to know.

So which definition, #1 or #2, is more apropos? (Want to know what my guess is?) You have a nice day, you obviously deserve (need) it!

Last edited by BobC; 04-11-2023 at 02:57 PM.
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