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Old 04-03-2023, 12:15 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by nolemmings View Post
The card is either a doctored reprint or a counterfeit that used the reprint as a template.

Larry Fritsch created a reprint set of m101-5s many years ago. The cards clearly spelled out REPRINT in the lower right corner. Scammers tend to try and erase it or damage that area of the card, but I believe technology has basically allowed the cards to be reproduced with the reprint notice effectively gone. BTW, Saier is the same card number, photo, etc in both m101-5 and m101-4 so this “card” was never a m101-4 in the first place.

There are several threads over the years on how to spot the fakes. Basically, the tell is the space between the lined black frame of the photo and the photo itself—there should be none, or almost none. When the reprint was made, it cropped or shrunk the original photo a little and provided this space. Compare the two Saier cards I showed and you can tell the difference. Also see how the scoreboard in the back is cropped slightly on the left side of the fake. Finally, if you had the card in hand—albeit out of the slab—you would note that the reprints are on slightly thinner stock and are almost translucent, although counterfeits may have compensated for that.

Oops, I see where this was addressed while I was on the phone.

Thanks for confirming what I remembered about these.
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