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Old 03-27-2023, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Metsfan0507 View Post
This is something I'm struggling with as a relatively young (mid 30s) collector just getting into pre-war vintage. Do I buy now because prices will only continue to rise, or wait for prices to drop as older collectors start liquidating their collection (or their heirs do it for them). People in their 20s and 30s now for the most part can't really afford to drop thousands on Cobbs, Youngs, etc while also trying to buy houses and start families, so are they going to suddenly start buying (and spending big $) when they have more $ in their 50s and 60s? I imagine most of the $ being spent now is people in their 50s and 60s that started collecting in their 20s and 30s when costs weren't prohibitive, so they were hooked from an early age. Will the hobby continue to hook people who can only afford to enter the hobby at a much later age? Without new younger buyers, at some point prices have to drop to the point that it does attract new younger buyers.
The print runs are low enough that the top name Hofers and rare backs are going to rise. Commons and lower level Hofers may level off and drop as people can no longer afford to collect the set.

I see this being a problem for modern, people will move on to the hot new player, and postwar vintage. With much higher populations, prices could easily surpass the demand from a shrinking collector base.
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