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Old 03-18-2023, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
Thanks to Al (batsballsbases) I believe everything is 100% confirmed now on the 1967 6th Series sheet other than possibly Tommy Helms, John Stephenson, Tommie Reynolds, and Senators Rookie Stars. The miscuts of Tolan to the left of the Marichal Checklist, Horton as a right edge card, Felipe Alou to the left of the Dodgers Team card, Killebrew to the left of Gabrielson, Lee Thomas above Felipe Alou, Indians Rookie Stars to the left of Ribant, Ribant as a right edge card, Hunt to the left of Lee Thomas have all confirmed the rest of the sheet being 100% correct. The Bird Bombers, Mantilla, and Bell rows are the 4x rows, the Miller, Perez, Brooks Robinson Checklist, and Pirates Rookie Stars rows are 3x, so that means all of the known checklists and the eBay sellers that have Tony Perez as a SP are correct but there doesn't seem to be any shortage of them.
Glad to help Cliff I know you worked hard on this sheet so at least I believe you can say the 6th series is done... HooRay.....
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