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Old 03-04-2023, 10:06 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
As I learned when I read extensively about the statin trials and talked to some very qualified and knowledgeable people on the "skeptical" side, the same data can be presented in very different ways even if one assumes the integrity of the data.

And the story of the FDA's recent approval of Biogen's Alzheimer's drug should be a wakeup call for anyone who blindly trusts the FDA.
I've seen how things get FDA approval up close. It sure ain't honest examination.

People and organizations with a financial interest to determine X almost always determine that X is true. People seem to be cognizant of this but nonetheless, over half the population will just agree to any appeal to institutional authority, and vigorously deny anything else, regardless of actual evidence or actually following the scientific method to arrive at truth. Most of the rest, like Irv, will disagree with anything these institutions and organizations proclaim because they have been caught lying an astounding number of times. Those who disbelieve the proclamations of government institutions are probably correct more than those that just believe whatever the state says (well, whatever the state says when it suits the party and that part of the state is run by affiliates of the party), but neither is reasonable. A claim to fact is true or not true based on truth itself, not who said it, which everyone knows but seems to always forget.

The Ivermectin theory didn't originate from the right; it first came from doctors essentially experimenting and reporting positive results. Essentially anecdotal 'my patients took it and had good outcomes' isn't actual proof, but it is often what leads to testing of existing medications for something else. The establishment quickly attacked it (as they attacked or ignored every option for Covid until the vaccine, which, ironically, it was the left who were the truthers at first because Bad Orange Man was President and appeared to see the 'vaccine' as the quickest way out of the mess) before any actual testing was done to see if the hypothesis was true. Thus the right started to run with it. When your industry is heavily invested in a narrative, it is usually career suicide to challenge said narrative. Once the issue becomes politicized, any chance of an honest investigation is DOA. We will never get an honest testing of the Ivermectin hypothesis, or a host of other things that cannot be honestly examined without risking throwing the party and their funding into trouble, as well as killing the careers of those doing the legwork that are supposed to prove X and not Y.
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