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Old 03-04-2023, 10:17 AM
tpeichel tpeichel is offline
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 49

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
Very much aware of that UN vote Mark. Yet some people on the forum talk like that isn't the case, and still seem to totally blame the U.S. for everything.

If your post was more along the lines of commenting on India not necessarily being an ally of Russia, I was thinking of their recent cooperation with the BRICS group's plans for a possible new world financial order, as well as the continued, and apparently growing, commerce between India and Russia, especially in regard to oil purchases. And though India did not vote against the UN resolution, I believe they did abstain from it. And what is the old saying, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do (or in this case - say) nothing."

When India and China together represent about a third of world's entire population between them, that is not an insignificant fact to be easily dismissed. I always used to think of India and South Africa (the "I" and "S" in the BRICS group) as being more democratic and Western leaning, but now am wondering if maybe the U.S. alliance with Europe, especially Great Britain, may not be working against us to some extent with both of these nations. Especially in regard to any lingering ill-will and prejudice from when these two countries were controlled, taken advantage of, and had their citizenry abused by their British colonial oppressors. India didn't break from English colonial rule until 1947. South Africa didn't finally dump English colonial control until 1961, but the institution and effects of apartheid weren't formally overthrown till even later, around 1994. We dumped the British in the late 1700's, and then beat them again in the War of 1812. We've had over 200 years to forgive and forget our former British rulers. India and South Africa haven't had quite as long, so I can possibly see them being a little bit more hesitant to automatically just side with someone so aligned with England.

And by the way, South Africa also abstained in that UN Resolution vote as well.
I think Russia has been preparing for this war for some time now. They were not prepared when the Neocons overthrew the Ukranian government and installed a pro-western government in 2014, but they have been preparing ever since.

The alliance with China against the American Empire has given them a partner that needs their resources, so even though we blew up their pipeline, they still can export energy into other markets.

At one time, it seemed like China would get integrated into the American Empire, but we were simply used for our technology and expertise to allow China to advance their society. Now they too are ready to go their own way.

We will be challenged to directly take on Russia in a war, but I think we have no shot in a two front war against Russia and China.

Last edited by tpeichel; 03-04-2023 at 10:19 AM.
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