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Old 02-21-2023, 02:50 PM
Jeff Weisenberg
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 458
Default Ebay authentication X2

I recently sold a card (61F Oscar Robertson Action) and the card was paid for and shipped to the customer through the authenticity program. Card passed authenitcity and was delivered to the customer. Customer decided to return the item as they "Already had the card and bought by mistake." What a joke on Ebay's part. Card was then sent back to me, again through the authenticity program and was just verified again is being returned to me. Crazy thing is, while this porcess was going on, Ebay froze all of my daily deposits for sales for the last 10-11 days awaiting the card to be re-re-authenticated. I have not received a message saying they have released my money but did get an email saying the "CUSTOMER was issued a refund on my behalf", how nice of them. This is just another way for Ebay to make the Buyer always in the right, even when WRONG. I think this return, and holding my money which was far in excess of the sale price of this card were just ridiculous! Jeff W
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