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Old 02-14-2023, 05:02 PM
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Lorewalker Lorewalker is offline
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Originally Posted by STL1944 View Post
I want the group's opinion on something. My apologies if I am "outing" a card.

There is a 1947 Tip Top Warren Spahn card for sale by Greg Morris Cards on eBay:

I collect this oddball set and am familiar with this difficult-to-find card. When I first saw the card, I immediately thought, "trimmed." As I compare it to other examples, it looks like it has been trimmed in the past. See the photos below. Specifically, look at the gap between the hat and the top of the card and the creases in the sleeves on the left side of the card.

I contacted Greg Morris with my concerns and suggested they measure the card and potentially list it as trimmed. The response I received was, "This card does not appear to be trimmed. If you win this card and are unhappy with it, we will gladly accept a return."

I could be wrong, and the card not be trimmed, but I believe it is. Does a return policy like this absolve Greg Morris from measuring and potentially listing a card as trimmed if it measures short? My guess is this card will close for over $1k when the bidding is done.

Note: I have had good experiences with Greg Morris Cards in the past and am not trying to disparage them. Per board guidelines, my full name is Jim McKinley.
First, I think your control card scan is a larger scan than the one Greg has listed. I do not know the issue at all but even if the card is smaller it does not mean it is trimmed. I have bought raw cards that sized perfectly that ended up being trimmed. And lastly, they feel it is not trimmed and are willing to guarantee that. I would say that is a top notch seller.
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