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Old 02-03-2023, 11:51 AM
Zach Wheat Zach Wheat is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,681


Nice cards! I have always thought the '75 brown back Hostess cards were way underappreciated.

At the time the cards were printed, the manufacturers of Twinkies gave the printer a lot of leeway in terms of making the first sets of cards. As has been discussed on N54 before, Topps would not let them use the approved 1st images - but gave them inferiro 2nd images to make the cards. Also, it was suggested the printer made the backs of the initial set of '75 Hostess cards with other colors also. That being said, I have never seen another color.

Also, the '75 black bar Hostess cards can be found in unissued panels. The panels were actually proof sheets the printer made trying to figure out the layout of cards. You might still find some panels here and there. All cards in the set can be located. They originated from an employee that took the discarded sheets out of the dumpster. This is also how a number of miscuts got into the market.

If you are successful, you should be able to put together a high grade set of hand cut black bar panels without the oil stains. Best of luck!

Last edited by Zach Wheat; 02-03-2023 at 11:52 AM.
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