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Old 02-03-2023, 09:36 AM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 6,927

The charges against you are not idle gossip or vague, they are very, very specific. If you are trying to reshape your image or do damage control, you have to address them specifically. Calling SCR boring and saying it's untrue without getting into any specifics is not going to work with anyone who doesn't already cover their eyes and deny the mountains of evidence in the alteration scandals.

SCR is reporting the Blowout threads, and your arrest records. The publicly available evidence seems to indicate you were indeed convicted of unlawful use of a weapon in an assault incident, and then obstruction of justice twice for cursing at the judge. The trimming allegations come from Blowout, where the accusation is not simply a suspicion or somebody unhappy with your repack product. There are 20 pages of before and after images of cards your eBay account was buying untrimmed, and then being sold trimmed in just one of the threads alone. Many of these cards are uniquely serial numbered, making it difficult to argue there is a conspiracy and they are different cards in actual fact.

As much as I find SCR obnoxious and clickbaity, they're information seems to check out. Court records and photographic evidence and links to the buying and selling of these specific trimmed cards is not evidence that one can simply brush off. A real explanation is needed if you intend to contend that these things are untrue.

When the accusers provide a pile of documentary evidence, government records, and photographs, you can't credibly just say it's untrue. You have to explain how this evidence is wrong or misleading. If you cannot seriously address the charges, it only makes one look even guiltier. What specific charges did SCR make that you claim are false? How do you explain the mountains of untrimmed serial numbered cards you bought that kept leaving your possession trimmed? I understand that it can't be fun to have these things out there about oneself, but nobody else is going to have the emotions you do - an effective defense must tackle the actual evidence instead of just brushing it off as if it doesn't exist.