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Old 01-26-2023, 12:01 PM
Northviewcats Northviewcats is offline
Joe Drouillard
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 1,900
Default Collecting and addiction

I think Brian really nailed it when he described the problem with all addictions when he wrote:

"The mind can always seem to find a "logical" reason to pursue a collectible [or any desire for that matter] that has struck your fancy. If left unchecked, the mind will create an illusion that the said collectible must not be lost to another! You can get so worked up about it,and believe your collection would be so inferior without buying the object. The insidious part is that ONCE YOU BUY IT, the feelings of elation almost immediately vaporize, and you're left with an unspeakable emptiness."

Brian's words remind me so much of a family member, who is addicted to gambling. The guilt, the lies, the loss, the frustration. It is so painful to see him struggle after he has fallen back into his addiction.

I agree that if you start to feel that deep feeling of regret after making purchases, that it is a good sign to question whether or not you are addicted to the hobby.

I hope that no one here is struggling with it.

Best regards,

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