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Old 01-25-2023, 07:52 AM
DW03 DW03 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 35

Originally Posted by Scott Garner View Post
Hello & welcome to net54,
It's not possible to nail down anything based on the 44 on the front of the ticket. IMHO, 44 would refer to the 44th home game, but I may be wrong.
One question about the date written on the back of the ticket:
Is the writing in fountain pen, or is it in ball point pen?
I can't tell by your photo.
Please note that ball point pen was not a thing until around 1940. If the writing is in ballpoint pen, it's inconsistent with 1934.

BTW, my good friend Dan Busby (RIP) published a couple of limited production books on ticket collecting entitled "Washington Senators 1868-1939" and Washington Senators 1940-2012", respectively.

Unfortunately, there is not an example of a photo of a Grandstand ticket from the 1934 era to compare it to in the book. The ticket price is consistent with what a Grandstand ticket cost in the early 1940's (1941) based on an exemplar that he shows in the 2nd book.

I hope you find this helpful.
Thank you very much for replying, I do not own it, so I'm not sure of the pen type either. Maybe 44 is 1944? Either way, this was very helpful and exactly the kind of reply I was hoping for by posting in this forum.
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