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Old 01-19-2023, 02:20 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Yeah, Edmonds falls into the Derek Jeter category. Passes the eye test...looks like a Gold Glover when you watch him everyday. Makes all the plays he's supposed to, and very few mistakes...but the analytics don't like him as much as others. Makes some plays look harder then they should be, and ends up on highlight reels in the process.

Did have some really good years in the field mixed in with some average ones.

That said, dude had an under-rated bat. .903 career OPS and a 132 OPS+.

I'd hypothesize he was kept from HOF consideration by being injured from making too many unnecessary dives in his career, and missing lots of benchmark career numbers. Played a lot of years, but missed a lot of games.
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