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Old 01-06-2023, 11:41 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,198

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
That is a great story Steve, and rivals some of the ones I remember and have already posted about from shows I'd seen at the original Cleveland Agora. Sounds like you had a heck of a time at the show, and I'm guessing it is one those things that you'll always be able to fondly look back upon and remember, and never regret having gone to. LOL

I think shows in small, more intimate venues like the Agora's of the world are way better than most of the huge stadium shows. Don't get me wrong, being able to see the likes of Zeppelin or the Stones, regardless of the venue size, is great. But seeing some of these groups in the smaller, night club/bar like venues before they become too big for them, takes you back to the real roots of what rock was all about, and how it was supposed to be performed, heard, seen, and truly enjoyed.
What's even funnier is the person I went with was more an acquaintance, kid my brother knew from scouts or something who had complained a couple months before that his friends had taken his money and ditched him or simply never shown up to pick him up three straight concerts. "Oh yeah, we'll leave a ticket for you at the will call window" So I offered to drive to pretty much any concert as long as he bought the tickets.

And there's a card collecting angle, he worked for McDonalds, and at the end of the football card promotion got me a trash bag full of that weeks leftover cards. Ended up with 100+ sets.

Later on, he cracked a bat playing in the yard with a few guys. My brother said it was pretty old, I ended up swapping a store bought bat I had for what I'm almost positive is a Fred Parent gamer, plus a few other old bats that were pretty beat, a D+M and a Batrite both I think store models.
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