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Old 01-05-2023, 04:59 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
The only time I went there was that Stryper show they mentioned.

Insane and weird show and place.

The lines were crazy, all the way around the building. But the person I went with said we can just go to the box office and the lines were for people who already had tickets. Box office had a line like 10 people long.

First time I saw a vending machine that took dollars.

They had beer girls! Carrying a case of beer in a somewhat suggestive location, must have been very profitable. "Would you like a beer?" "Oh yes!" "Ok, that will be $3".... later on thinking "I paid way over retail for a warm bud just because she held the case near her chest... I'm sooo stupid"

The warmup acts were forgettable metal bands. and it was really hot in there.

Stryper... People in the crowd passed out, and were taken out over the stage. One girl realized that got her close to the band, and faked it then got away and nearly tackled the guitar player mid -solo. To his credit he didn't miss any of it. And it wasn't like the staged stuff for videos, it took 3 security guys to peel her off ... twice!

I had heard about the bibles and figured it would be pocket ones, or maybe small paperback versions... nope, full size hardcovers. Ok, they just drop them into the front rows. Umm, ok, throwing them a bit farther back and a bit farther still... last couple were really thrown all the way back near the sound board. Last one nailed some kid right in the forehead.

Wild times. And maybe close to the end, I moved back up to mass maybe a year later in late 87
That is a great story Steve, and rivals some of the ones I remember and have already posted about from shows I'd seen at the original Cleveland Agora. Sounds like you had a heck of a time at the show, and I'm guessing it is one those things that you'll always be able to fondly look back upon and remember, and never regret having gone to. LOL

I think shows in small, more intimate venues like the Agora's of the world are way better than most of the huge stadium shows. Don't get me wrong, being able to see the likes of Zeppelin or the Stones, regardless of the venue size, is great. But seeing some of these groups in the smaller, night club/bar like venues before they become too big for them, takes you back to the real roots of what rock was all about, and how it was supposed to be performed, heard, seen, and truly enjoyed.
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